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Our containers, packaging, packages and transport solutions are suitable for a wide range of materials including the following:
SAFTAINER® 2895/2899

Low Level Waste, IP-1/IP-2/IP-3
Design No: 2895/2899
Cavity: 6.058 m x 2.438 m x 1.219 m/2.591 m
Contents: LLW, Solids

Low Level Waste, IP-1/IP-2/IP-3
Design No: 2896
Cavity: 6.058 m x 2.438 m x 2.591 m
Contents: LLW, Solids
SAFTAINER® 2914/3948

Low Level Waste, IP-1/IP-2/IP-3
Design No: 2914/3948
Cavity: 3.050 m/9.125 m x 2.438 m x 2.591 m
Contents: LLW, Solids