
Croft and The Didcot Powerhouse Fund launch pilot skills mentoring scheme to support local charities

After becoming a Didcot Powerhouse donor earlier this year, the Croft Team were looking for ways to provide additional value through giving their time and skills to help support local charities. Following discussions, The Didcot Powerhouse Fund and Croft launched a pilot scheme in which the Croft Team had the opportunity to provide professional skills mentoring in areas such as HR, financial budgeting and business strategy to the Powerhouse charities.

Croft have been delighted to be able to take part in this pilot mentoring scheme, sharing skill-focused knowledge to understand and help local charities address the challenges that they face.

We look forward to continuing to work with The Didcot Powerhouse Fund and the pilot mentoring scheme to support local charities and the important work that they do within our local community.